hr.weekend manpower

Manpower and Mplus at HR.WEEKEND: the influence of the work model on employer selection

As part of the current problem in the labor market - how to attract and retain the best talent, Manpower Croatia, as part of the BOSQAR INVEST group, collaborated with Mplus in research that clarified how labor models shape employer selection, job satisfaction and the future of productivity.

Today, it is assumed that most modern and progressive companies offer a flexible work model, but is hybrid work today understood as a benefit or something that is common for every employer?

HOME-WORK BALANCE: How often is the flexible work model?

Since the pandemic "stirred up" previous job habits, employers are still seeking the right balance between available work models. Well, employees are increasingly insisting on a hybrid model.

At this year's HR. WEEKEND, Manpower Croatia, in collaboration with Mplus, conducted research on how models like to shape employer selection, job satisfaction and the future of productivity.

Manpower's recruitment consultant Karlo Vrbanac shared the results of the research and some conclusions.

karlo vrbanac manpower

Karlo Vrbanac, Recruitment Consultant, Manpower

Photo source: Matej Rebernišak

Flexible work or not?

According to the research, 53% of respondents indicated that they work "on-site", while only 21% of them stated that they prefer such a model. Also, 49% of respondents currently work in their preferred model - but only 17% want to return to the classic "on-site" work.

Work-life balance or bigger salary?

At the HR.WEEKEND festival, Karlo Vrbanac pointed out in the research that half of the respondents of all age groups prioritize balance in private and business life when choosing an employer. It is interesting that as many as 53% of respondents would accept a lower salary if they had more flexibility in the work model.

What is the most important factor when choosing employers?

According to the research, 51% of respondents in large companies (500+ employees) use a hybrid or remote work model. As a critical factor when choosing an employer, 66% of respondents of all age groups emphasize the balance of private and personal life.

A panel discussion moderated by Bruna Kostelac Košir was held on the same topic, where the participants discussed key factors when choosing the optimal work model for their companies. The conclusion was that the research disproved the myths about managers as being inflexible and that large companies are not flexible. In the end, the conclusion of the research was that it is not only the younger generation of workers who want flexibility in their work model.

Bruna Kostelac Košir Mplus

Bruna Kostelac Košir, Chief People Officer, Mplus

Photo source: Matej Rebernišak

Manpower salary and benefits research

As consultants, we are in daily contact with employers and candidates, with the aim of guiding both parties towards finding a common language and harmonizing market trends and expectations.

We are experts in salary and benefits research, measuring the success of the employer brand, including setting a strategy for its improvement, as well as analyzing employee satisfaction and engagement.

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Cover photo source: Matej Rebernišak

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