Production and logistics - search and selection


Everyone’s business success depends on internal resources, so the biggest competitive advantage is to get the right employees in the foreseeable future. At a time when the labor market is changing extremely fast, an even more innovative and agile approach and faster response is needed to be able to reach the greatest talents. 

Search and selection in Croatia

We are aware that the speed of the entire process is essential in the search and selection of personnel in production and warehouse. We devote a lot of time to building our internal candidate database, which we constantly supplement and expand with extensive marketing campaigns. At the start of the cooperation, we can present you with the realistic expectations of candidates in your area and the projected timeline of the project. 

In the selection of candidates, we pay particular attention to the motivation for work and the reliability of the candidates or their desire for long-term cooperation, in addition to previous experience and knowledge. 

Search and selection abroad 

Companies in Croatia often witness a lack of employees with professional-specific skills. At the same time as the working population is decreasing, hiring foreigners is an increasingly common practice. 

Managing the process of hiring a foreigner 

With offices in Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Slovenia, and HR consultants in other countries as well, such as Macedonia, we have a strong competitive advantage in accessing a wide base of candidates with the education and experience you are looking for. 

On behalf of employers, we can manage the entire administrative process of obtaining residence and work permits in the Republic of Croatia. With experience, expertise and promptness, we take care of obtaining the appropriate documentation that will enable your chosen candidate from abroad to be employed as soon as possible. 

Hiring workers 

When hiring, in addition to search and selection, we can provide all the administrative procedures necessary for employment or during employment, and we can also take care of up-to-date payroll.

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