sezonsko zapošljavanje

Sezonsko zapošljavanje: trendovi i preporuke za 2023. godinu

Petra Mates

Marko Pekčec

Tomislav Radoš

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Oliver Linzbauer

3 practical tools for creating a positive working atmosphere within a team

Learn a few concrete tools with which you can support and maintain a positive working atmosphere within your team.
kako nadređeni mogu izgraditi povjerenje s timom

How can supervisors build trust with the team?

Trust is a key element for good relationships and team atmosphere, but it is also the most sensitive. Read more in the article.
motivacija zaposlenika

7 best methods for motivating employees

Motivated employees are not only more productive, but also contribute to better interpersonal relationships. Learn more in the article.

How to establish successful onboarding?

Onboarding is not just a formality, but a strategic process that aims to integrate new employees into the organization in a way that is efficient,…
burnout sindrom

What is burn out syndrome and how to recognize it?

In our busy world, stress has become a part of our daily lives. Prolonged exposure to stress, challenging tasks at work, daily hard work, and poor…
motivacija zaposlenika

Employee motivation and satisfaction as the key to business optimization

Satisfied employees make a more productive team. How to ensure their motivation and engagement with positive working conditions?
humana digitalizacija

Human digitization

How can technology and digitization support companies to maintain a more humane approach to business, without losing personal contact?

Employer branding

Employer branding is a key tool for attracting talent. How to build a strong employer brand that attracts and retains talent?

High costs of wrong hiring

Choosing the wrong candidate can cost a company dearly. Learn how to prevent bad decisions in the hiring process.