
How to write a good resume?

The year is 1482. Thirty-year-old Leonardo is actively looking for a job in Milan as a bridge designer, boat builder, sculptor or scientist. In addition to all of the above, he was also a painter, architect, mathematician and engineer - simply put, the greatest genius of the Renaissance. We are of course talking about Leonardo Da Vinci, the person who embodied the Renaissance ideal of a versatile man. 

But even geniuses, as we can see, are looking for a job like other people. Da Vinci obviously possessed numerous talents, but what he soon realized was that they did not mean much to him if he could not advertise himself in an adequate way and present himself to people who were in the role of an employer. So he sent a letter to Ludovico Sforza, then Duke of Milan, explaining his many qualifications. That's how the resume was created, and here's how it looked:


Prijevod Da Vincijevog pisma Ludovicu Sforzi na engleskom jeziku
Prijevod Da Vincijevog pisma Ludovicu Sforzi na engleskom jeziku

In the meantime, a lot has changed, but the meaning behind the very idea of ​​a resume has remained the same – to find a job that suits us and provides satisfactory conditions. It is quite clear that in the modern world, we will not take a pen and paper and send a personalized message intended only for one person. The goal is to create a representative and attractive resume that will open as many doors as possible in the business world. Given that the resume is basically the first contact with a potential employer, it is extremely important that it is acceptable and that we do not exclude ourselves from business opportunities before we have started them.

But what exactly is a resume? A resume is an overview of a person's educational and professional history, usually prepared for job applications. Other names are Curriculum Vitae (abbreviated CV) and Resume (English), and it aims to convey our personal details in a way that presents us in the best possible light. In a certain sense, a resume is also a marketing document in which we "sell" our skills, abilities, qualifications and experience to potential employers. 

It is logically in the interest of every active job seeker to make the best possible first impression, but often times the resume we hand over is our worst enemy because we do not follow certain guidelines that today separate the successful from the unsuccessful. Below are 5 points that you should pay attention to when writing a quality resume:

1. Grammar

Statistics show that we have an average of 11 seconds before the person reading the resume decides whether we are going to "additional qualifications" or whether the cooperation is over at the very start. During those 11 seconds, a text that is full of spelling mistakes will certainly not help and actually gives two impressions: we are not able to write a grammatically correct text, and what is even worse - we don't care.

From the employer's perspective, it is a logical way of thinking if we do not work hard for an opportunity from which we will have a direct benefit, how can we expect to put effort into business projects as well. Therefore, check your resume several times until you are sure that everything is according to the rules, and if grammar is not your strong point, ask a friend or relative to help you.

2. Transparency

The overall visual experience is of course very important. Highlight headings, separate chapters, align text, and strive for a sense of symmetry when reading. In addition to being more pleasing to the eye, we also let a potential employer know that we made an effort and that we care. Use a white background with black letters. 

Changing colors to emphasize importance is allowed, but be careful not to overdo it and not create a colorful ambiance. The character size should not be smaller than 10 and larger than 12. Some of the standard fonts are times new roman, arial, calibri and helvetica. The information in the resume should be carefully and clearly laid out - in separate sections under appropriate headings and subheadings. Avoid tables, graphics, sketches, and the like, and a quick review of the resume should not give the impression of cramming or large empty areas.

3. The CV should be adapted to the position for which it is applied

Candidates looking for a job often use one and the same resume that they send to all the possible competitions they participate in, even without reading the ad. While this method may increase the number of potential jobs we apply for, it will significantly reduce the quality of each one. After all, you can only work one job at a time, and the goal is to get exactly the one that fulfills us, provides personal and professional development and offers favorable conditions, right?

Carefully read the vacancy you are interested in, determine which skills are most important to the employer in question and include them in your resume. If the most important relevant knowledge, abilities, competences and skills needed for the job are not visible in your resume, most recruiters will move on to the next one without reading further.

4. Keep it short, but not too short

The average employer or recruiter encounters a sea of ​​resumes on a daily basis, and what will certainly not attract him is a document that contains long descriptions and requires a lot of time, which in today's business world is a real luxury. Keep your resume short, concise and to the point. If feasible, it is recommended that the text does not exceed one to two pages, and it is not recommended to write more than three A4 pages. 

Highlight only the most important information, if the resume is too long in the eyes of the prospector, it may mean that we have changed jobs too often or that we are not able to write concisely - both options are equally devastating. It should always be kept in mind that we are not writing an autobiography but a brief overview of our business activities. If you don't have space, remove less important points, rephrase sentences into a shortened version and edit the layout of the document to create more space.

5. Add a touch of personality

Although it is a fact that the resume should be written analytically, what we must not miss is the touch of personality that will prevail and set us apart from other candidates. Let's not forget the key component in the whole story – the human being behind the written words. Behind all the qualifications is a real person who is unique and unrepeatable and who, among other things, will be chosen because of specific character traits that are required at a given moment. 

Although the line between showing personality and unprofessionalism is thin, it is up to you to judge what is appropriate for a specific competition and thus create added value. Because just as people are looking for a job, on the other side of the story there are people who study the candidacies and they will really appreciate a decent dose of creativity, passion and originality.

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