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Diversity and inclusion at workplace

Let's go back to the business sector - how much do management, team leaders, business development departments and HR divisions look at "Diversity, equality and inclusion" as part of the employer branding strategy or some good to have expectations, and how much do they understand these terms as solid, profitable and sustainable business strategy of the future.

To begin with, let's start with the explanation of the terms themselves. Diversity, quite simply, means a diverse (by a number of different characteristics) workforce. We define and treat equality as a fair/fair treatment of new employees and the treatment of existing employees.

Inclusion is the result of the way in which those different groups mentioned earlier are treated. There is no doubt that doing business according to the principles of "Diversity, Equality and Inclusion" is essential for the future, but some still do not understand why?

A robust R/J&I strategy, based on analytics and data, helps retain productive, creative and efficient talents who possess the right skills and knowledge, increases creativity and the degree of innovation in business, which at the same time leads to good financial and market results.

Let's also be more down-to-earth, in today's age where the struggle for every candidate is great and where the deficit of certain occupations leads to the collapse of even entire industries, we must embrace all potential talents in order to ensure the stability of business.



Talent retention

Companies that actually implement and invest in these policies see better numbers in employee retention. As companies increase their investments in R/J&I as well as other development programs, employees are happier and feel more supported within the work collective.

Because of this, they stay longer with one employer, which is a big saving considering that hiring a new employee costs several times more than keeping an old one.

Especially if we take into account the time, energy and financial costs of selection programs, education, onboarding and the like. The retention of quality personnel is today a critically important competitive advantage at all levels, from company management to workers on production lines, logistics or the hospitality sector.

While helping to retain top talent, R/J&I also helps attract new talent of better skill quality, who care about the company culture in which they thrive, ultimately resulting in a stronger and more resilient workforce and better business outcomes.

Reducing the legal and administrative risks of business

This step is very important because the competition for top talent is becoming global due to digitalization, and more and more employers are offering hybrid/remote work options.

Let's be realistic, today denouncing discrimination in the workplace is becoming normal. And finally, the awareness and fear of employers who used to play a game whose ultimate goal was usually to the detriment of the employee is moving.

Therefore, companies that invest in R/J&I reduce business risks. By taking steps to evaluate and act on inclusive policies, all based on analytics and data, companies protect themselves and reduce the risk of litigation and create protections against bias and discrimination that ultimately benefit the team and the company.

Diversity and creativity

A critical contribution of employee diversity is the awakening of creativity, of course if diversity is nurtured and respected. By hiring employees with different experience, cultural background, age, development background and skills, companies expand the pool of knowledge and, based on experiential appreciation, get a broader approach to solving tasks and problems.

Employees need to feel accepted and confident to speak their mind and be creative within the team, which ultimately results in a better business outcome.

Just a few years ago, there was a common misconception that diversity was a 'nice to have'. Nice, but not necessary. The lack of it is a very big business problem on the market today. Business leaders now know that diversity should be addressed as a priority of the HR department, management and administration, work to raise it and nurture it as a blessing for business.

Diversity, equality and inclusion are much more than passing proclamations and current trending HR topics. Today, they form the future of every organization.

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