
Motivation, development challenges and the future of the labor market

When you work in an industry that is extremely dynamic like mine, it is important that you constantly develop, learn and work on yourself. My current employer has a phenomenal training structure and fosters a culture of self-improvement, which greatly facilitates upskilling and development, which I give high priority.

I am especially glad that in addition to my university duties, I also have a mentor who develops me further through work and the mentoring plan.

I sound organized for a young person, don't I?

Of course, it wasn't always like that. When I was finishing high school, I didn't really know what I wanted to do. How on earth is a young person just turning 18 supposed to know what they're going to do for the rest of their lives?

However, the biggest lesson I learned then is that the most important thing is to just start, research, learn and encourage yourself to take steps that you might not necessarily have tried. There is no such thing as a perfect start, it doesn't take much to get started and that's why it's best to just start, get the ball rolling, find your passion and work on it.

Let's bypass restrictions on certain skills required by the profession, because this limits our potential and development. We young people must first of all understand that without effort, will, desire and the most important factor of perseverance, we will not achieve much.

Now that we have found our passion, it is necessary to work. But how much work?

Is there a blueprint for success?

You need to work as much as you want to be successful and what you want to achieve in your career! My goal is to be a team leader, an expert in my field and I am ready to work as much as it takes to achieve that.

This is the difference and therein lies the answer to the first question. Do I know how many hours it will take - of course not! Nobody knows that, and it doesn't matter. At the end of the day, if you do what you love, you really don't feel dissatisfied and forced.

Maybe I'm still green and as the old people would say, I have to eat a lot of gruel, but I believe that if you have an ambition and work towards it, you will hardly get bored of your work.

The best skill you can learn or develop while doing so is networking. Why?

Well, because through networking you can expand your horizons, get to know things you might not otherwise come across, create good friendships and acquaintances that can help you in your development as a person and employee.

A year ago, when the pandemic stopped everything and threw us into something that no one had encountered before, we were caught off guard, thrown into insecurity and fear of the unknown. That is why today it is difficult to predict anything, let alone education, travel or in which direction your career will develop.

My generation, and I believe the older ones as well, did not think about what to do with the age of 21, but how to have the best time and enjoy it, which is completely normal. Regardless of the fact that every day I am becoming more mature and adult, it is difficult for me to predict where life will take me and how my career will develop.

The only thing I am sure of is that I will try my best and do everything in my power to make it the best possible direction.

This direction is clear to me because through digital marketing I have the opportunity to work on various projects and brands, which is always interesting and provides me with countless opportunities for learning, growth and development. With the opportunity to work on external projects that our current employer gives us, I probably won't find myself needing a break or struggling with burnout.

The only reason why he would interrupt his current career path from his current perspective is to open an independent company.

Today, young people are extremely eager to open something of their own, and this begs the question, what really motivates young people on the labor market? The answer lies in the very core of us as members of the generation that grew up in the modern technological era.

In the digital age, everything is just a click away. A handful of information and misinformation surrounds us every day from all platforms. Recently, social networks have been pushing a very misleading message in my opinion, which is that we can all be entrepreneurs and directors.

Young people are served a false image that they are failures if they work for someone. If the rich don't retire at 30, they haven't achieved anything. Their motivation lies only in the desire for quick enrichment and a comfortable life without much effort. But the main problem lies in the fact that a large percentage of them do not have the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful.

Not everything is so black within my generation, but there is also another side of the coin. On that side are young, ambitious people who know that nothing comes easily and that some things still require effort. I believe and hope that I belong to those individuals who invest their time and effort to make our future brighter.

Now, what motivates us in the labor market? I will start from myself and my wishes. I worked for over a year and a half at Croatia Insurance and I am very grateful for the opportunity. I learned a lot, I saw how such a large corporation works and what it takes to succeed in it.

That same work experience opened my eyes and showed me what I really wanted to do. I am grateful to my manager at the time for being patient and supporting me in my ambitions. During that period, I decided to change my work environment and start an internship in my profession.

The search was short because I found everything I needed at my current employer. I was motivated by the fact that Degordian provides dynamic and challenging work tasks, support in individual development, as well as a large number of benefits, starting with flexible working hours, a mentoring plan, a modern office, a fantastic company organizational structure, advancement opportunities and many other things.

Young people today do not want an outdated work organization and a workplace that will bore them after a few months.

Young people need stimulation and care, but most of all they need opportunity

Opportunity is the thing that motivates us the most and the thing that is given to us the least. We live in the country we live in and we are all aware of how it is arranged in most companies. But if you want to find young talent, you have to start from internal changes, and that's something that not everyone is ready for.

I am glad to see that generations are coming who recognize the potential of the market and what can be achieved on it. New, modern companies are opening that put people first and know that a person who is safe and happy is far more productive.

Let's start from the basics, build them step by step, and the young people will recognize that. For those individuals who are lost, and I mean my peers, I want to note that they should not despair because things are changing. It will take some time, but every single effort is not in vain because the world remains for us and we need to change it for the better.

We are a force that is a key factor in the success of the future, and this should motivate us.

Josip Ištuk

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