Human Resources Specialist

Ljudski resursi
Stalno zaposlenje On-site rad

Manpower Croatia for Client, one of the biggest food manufacturing companies in Split area, is looking for ideal candidate to fill in the position of Human Resources Specialist (m/f).


Place of work: Split


Job description:

  • preparation of regulations and internal decisions in cooperation with the company's management, as well as supervision of legal and internal procedures related to labor relations
  • coordination with state administration offices and other institutions for obtaining the necessary licenses for the company's work (MTU) - implementation of procedures and preparation of documentation for public tenders (business premises)
  • providing professional support to employees and management in the field of labor and legal relations when making decisions and defining further activities related to the labor and legal status of workers
  • drafting and control of various types of contracts
  • monitoring of legal regulations, interpretation of laws and application of individual laws to specific cases (continuous education)
  • collection and control of documentation when establishing an employment relationship
  • preparation of data for salary calculation
  • supports the management of the company and participates in other activities in accordance with the needs of the organization



  • minimum 2 years of work experience in similar positions
  • higher education level (preferably law studies, economics or similar)
  • driver's licence B category
  • advanced level of MS Office
  • advanced English knowledge - B2 level
Human Resources Specialist
Prijava za posao
Dozvoljene ekstenzije: doc, docx, pdf, txt. Maksimalna veličina datoteke: 50MB.
Jeste li spremni na relokaciju?

Manpower d.o.o., Ulica grada Vukovara 23, 10000 Zagreb, obrađuje Vaše osobne podatke iz prijave za posao radi provođenja selekcijskog postupka, odnosno poduzimanja radnji na zahtjev ispitanika radi sklapanja ugovora o radu, sukladno članku 6. stavku 1. točki (b) Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka. Više informacija o tome kako obrađujemo Vaše osobne podatke dostupno je na politici privatnosti.

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