Senior Accountant

Stalno zaposlenje On-site rad
On behalf of our client Vermilion Energy, we are looking for a highly motivated Senior Accountant to join their team in Zagreb

Tasks and Responsabilities :
  • Accounts payable and Accounts receivable accounting
  • Preparation of outgoing invoices
  • Review and reconcile intercompany entries
  • Internal control over the legal compliance of accounting documents
  • Vendors balances reconciliation, GL reconciliation
  • Identify assets and specify depreciation periods, fixed asset accounting
  • Prepare month-end closing entries
  • Prepare monthly payroll entries based on information from external provider
  • Submission and Reconciliation of the VAT declarations and statistical reports
  • Participation in statutory, internal and tax audits
  • Assists with PSA (kind of government reporting) management from an accounting and finance perspective
  • Joint venture accounting
  • Support Finance Manager for various analysis and management reporting
  • Other financial and accounting related tasks as required
  • Analysis and monitoring of monthly performance vs Budget (Capital, OPEX and G&A)
  • Cost controlling and help with forecasting
Requirements :
  • Hands-on excel skills
  • Use of Accounting software (specifically SAP), knowledge of MS Office products
  • Understanding of Joint Venture Accounting
  • Qualified accountant certified to submit and file all the company’s declarations, tax returns and reports with the Croatian authorities
  • Relevant job experience of 6+ years
  • Knowledge of Croatian GAAP
  • Knowledge of Croatian and English language
Senior Accountant
Prijava za posao
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Jeste li spremni na relokaciju?

Manpower d.o.o., Ulica grada Vukovara 23, 10000 Zagreb, obrađuje Vaše osobne podatke iz prijave za posao radi provođenja selekcijskog postupka, odnosno poduzimanja radnji na zahtjev ispitanika radi sklapanja ugovora o radu, sukladno članku 6. stavku 1. točki (b) Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka. Više informacija o tome kako obrađujemo Vaše osobne podatke dostupno je na politici privatnosti.

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